Candidates spend a lot of time preparing for interviews. The good ones spend time studying the company, preparing impactful answers for commonly-asked questions, and even deciding what to wear. Good prospects prepare well, and good companies recognize and appreciate...
All managers, no matter what their titles are, are in essence human resource managers. Okay, “HR Manager” might not be their job title or description in the strictest sense of the words, but all management is HR management at its core, in that a company’s human...
For many years, companies seeking to fill mid-level or higher positions have used applicants’ formal education as a sifting criterion. In other words, if the job-seekers had at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, they were deemed “qualified” and merited an...
Business is booming in most sectors. Talent is scarce. In this market, great talent is elusive. Working with an executive search firm gives you the best opportunity to hire the talent you need to grow your company and prosper. Because executive search teams have a...
The Addition of Women in the C-Suite Drives Very Positive Outcomes in Companies. But Why? The percentage of women in the C-suite has been inching upwards slowly. In 2019, women took up 21% of C-suite spots in the United States, with numbers varying globally...
Attracting “Older” Professionals to Your Company Will Be Key This Year. Here’s Why. In a culture where youth is so esteemed for its energy, creativity, and tech know-how, it’s important to keep sight of the value that older, more experienced professionals bring to the...